We are currently accepting a limited number of submissions from unpublished authors.
In particular, we are seeking manuscripts from authors who already have an audience in the influencer world such as on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Do you have a following on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram of 25,000 or more? Do you have something to say that is any of the following?
Inspirational • Educational • Informative • Entertaining
As a traditional publisher, we invest in authors we believe in. We'll provide editing, book design, and print preparation, at no cost to you. Your book will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and through Independent Booksellers. It will be printed and bound and made available worldwide. If appropriate, it will also be available as an ebook in various formats.
We make money when you make money by sharing equally in the profits from the sale of your book. Author royalties vary depending upon sales outlet from 1% to 30% of cover price. Typical royalties for print books are 15% of cover price.
If your book relies heavily on photographs, diagrams, or other illustrations, you should be prepared to provide that artwork.
We will only accept manuscript submissions that are in Word or Open Office format. Single-spaced. No indents. Unformatted. Plain text.
Please contact us and pitch your book.
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